The Friends of Moore River Estuary Inc (FOMRE) is a group of people whose common link is opposition to a large scale development that threatens the quality of the Moore River and surrounding human and natural landscapes. FOMRE is not opposed to responsible and appropriate development.
Currently FOMRE has a plan for a Regional Park at Wilbinga, to protect Moore River Estuary and the approx. 200sqkms of bushland containing threatened banksias, tuarts and Carnaby’s cockatoos, just to the north of Perth city.
You can see this plan and read more of our purpose in our News section here.
In January 1994, the Moore River Company applied to rezone 557 hectares of land on the south side of the estuary for “urban development”. The Guilderton Community Association made strenuous efforts to prevent this development on many fronts.
FOMRE was originally formed out of a decision by the Guilderton Community Association to do its utmost to protect the uniqueness of this area, and to promote responsible development. It was subsequently registered as a separate incorporated body specifically to focus on the protection of the Moore River Estuary natural landscapes and environment.
The Moore River empties into the Indian Ocean at Guilderton, a very small coastal town an hour’s drive north from Perth. The town-site is built on the north bank of this pristine river system. Although the permanent population is small, the Moore River area is enjoyed by tens of thousands of holiday makers every year. The south bank of the Moore River is a key visual, ecological and environmental asset that attracts people to Guilderton.
The Plunkett-owned Moore River Company then planned to turn this area into more urban sprawl with a development consisting of around 7,000 houses and 13,500 people on the tongue of land between the river and sea on the south side of the Moore River.
The battle to Save Moore River is nearly 20 years on. The developer’s original proposal was overwhelmingly rejected by the State Administrative Tribunal (WASAT) in 2006.
In 2012, with the support of the current Minister for Planning, the developer has submitted a new, scaled down proposal. FOMRE believes this new proposal is also fundamentally flawed.
There is now an Outline Development Plan approved for a suburb of 2,000 houses with 5,000 people over 457 ha. Subdivision approval was granted in 2014.
The Moore River Company offered the whole 2099 ha land package for sale in August 2015, hoping for overseas investment to finance further progress.
FOMRE remains vigilant that any plan meets best practice standards.
FOMRE also partners with others in water quality monitoring and land-care initiatives around the estuary, with the aim of all possible protection of the whole area.