Moore River Estuary Update – water quality testing

Moore River Estuary Update – water quality testing

Friends of Moore River Estuary is pleased to have commenced our second year of water quality testing of the estuary. On 9th March we tested the 5 sites from the mouth to up past Woodridge with the support of the Dept of Water, NACC and Cooky and his boat. Here he is taking a sample from bottom to top of the river (with anaconda).

We also test temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, heavy metals, etc at 50cm intervals at each site.
All results go to Department of Water records.

This time we were joined by two of Gingin Water Group’s team. They usually monitor further up river and collect our results as well. All thanks to Hamish and NACC who find the grants to do this work.

The experts were particularly pleased that the sandbar had already broken this year as testing after ‘first flush’ is ideal.

Our next ‘meter only’ testing will be in May.

As well as the good news we are sorry to say that some boaties behaviour on the river is threatening not only other river users safety, but the riverbanks as well. There is a 5 knot limit on the whole estuary for many reasons. Speeding and skiing may be fun but it really destroys what others value in the river. Please enjoy the area respectfully.

Vehicle Prohibited Area

The same goes for the damage that 4WDs are doing to the beach and river foreshore. The area where 4WDs are banned includes all of the river foreshore and the beach south of the groyne for 2.7kms.

The whole area of foreshore and bush south of the river includes pristine excellent vegetation and important wildlife corridors. It is no place for vehicles, which are illegal on both the private land and the reserve. Please keep your 4WD to the Wilbinga area or north of the groyne, and to the tracks wherever you are. Bush bashing these areas is not OK.

If you observe irresponsible behaviour on the river or it’s banks by people in vehicles or boats, please take photos and send them to The Shire works with DPaW, DoTransport and private landholders on these issues.

The river has been lovely this summer and the bar breaks have made it more interesting. We hope you are enjoying this special place too.

Linda Johnson